Tuesday, July 21, 2009

David Cook points out in Lost Illusions that the subjective killer p.o.v. technique popularized by Jaws probably more likely originated with Larry Cohen's It's Alive. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bloomberg on possibility of New York reverting to 1970s New York: 

When discussing the current crisis, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, now seeking a third term, promises that he will not allow the city to return to the darkness of those days, although he stresses that it faces "giant financial problems."

"I know some are concerned that city services will erode," he recently told reporters. "Let me remind you that the city went down that road in the 1970s ... I can just tell you that we are not going to make that mistake again."

Found some interesting items on the emergence of the singles scene here:


The original T.G.I. Fridays in New York, opened in 1965 and located at 63 St and First Ave. was also known as the first singles bar.