Too busy writing to explore this stuff now, but:
- The Seventies in America eds. Bailey and Farber contains a chapter entitled "Adults Only: The Construction of an Erotic City in New York in the 1970s" by Peter Braunstein.
- Mineshaft Nights is a memoir by Leo Cardini of time spent in the NY s&M club that Cruising was filmed in.
A few notes to put here just in case they get lost in the shuffle:
-While filming Klute, Pakula describes Fonda as being constantly on the phone, organizing her political activities and speaking engagements. She was also, at the time, under surviellance by the FBI. I'm unsure if she is aware of this fact at the time. (Jane Fonda's War: A Political Biography, p 22) - I think this information can orginally be found in The Films of Jane Fonda by George Haddad-Garcia.
-Klute starts shooting in the spring of 1970. The scenes of Peter Cable in his high-rise boardroom feature cranes and a building that seem very likely to be one of the WTC towers! The cranes are in movement during the shot.
Also, these two images. One of Nixon in 1972, the other, earlier, of Peter Cable in Klute. Did Gordon Willis come to DEFINE a particular mode of visual presentation, so much so as to be influential in how American presidents, however disgraced, could be shown that way?
Edit: The picture of Nixon was taken by Ollie Atkins, presidential photographer, at Camp David right after the 1972 election, during which the events of Watergate were still unfolding.
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